Sekolah kami pernah mencatat siswa pindahan luar Kota Palembang, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya dan lain-lain dikarenakan ikut orangtua pindah tugas. Sekolah ini juga pernah mencatat siswa pindahan dari Italia dan Amerika.
Untuk informasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru PAUD dan TKK lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi ke (0711) 361723 dengan Ibu Fitriana, Ibu Eliawati atau Ibu Annaria.
Sedangkan informasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru SD Plus St. Agatha Palembang, silahkan hubungi ke (0711) 374129 dengan Ibu Murdiana atau Ibu Dwi Septiani.
Pengambilan formulir dapat langsung datang ke Sekolah St. Agatha Palembang, Jalan Onglen No. 8 Palembang, 30126.
Segera daftarkan putra-putri anda sekarang juga, tempat terbatas.
(English Version)
St. Agatha School has opened The New Students Admission (NSA) for the academic year 2014/2015.
We accept new or transferred students from other schools both in the city of Palembang, other cities, or even from abroad.
We've recorded our transferred students come from such as Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya. We has also noted our transferred student come from Italy and America.
For further information of Students New Admission for Playgroup and Kindergarten Class, please call to (0711) 361723 with Mrs. Fitriana/Annaria/Eliawati.
For St. Agatha Primary School Palembang, please call to (0711) 374129 with Miss Murdiana/Dwi Septiani.
You can directly come to St. Agatha School Palembang at Onglen Street #8 Palembang, 30126 to assure you for the admission and to fill the registration form.
Register your children now, places are limited.
(English Version)
St. Agatha School has opened The New Students Admission (NSA) for the academic year 2014/2015.
We accept new or transferred students from other schools both in the city of Palembang, other cities, or even from abroad.
We've recorded our transferred students come from such as Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya. We has also noted our transferred student come from Italy and America.
For further information of Students New Admission for Playgroup and Kindergarten Class, please call to (0711) 361723 with Mrs. Fitriana/Annaria/Eliawati.
For St. Agatha Primary School Palembang, please call to (0711) 374129 with Miss Murdiana/Dwi Septiani.
You can directly come to St. Agatha School Palembang at Onglen Street #8 Palembang, 30126 to assure you for the admission and to fill the registration form.
Register your children now, places are limited.
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